

Hello there,

My name is Tony Mantz (also known as Jack the Bear) and welcome to my website.

Allow me to tell you more about myself.

I am inspirational speaker and mentor who has (and continues to) run a successful career in the music industry since entering it in 1981.

Over that time I had the pleasure of experiencing many facets of it, from live sound, to being a commercial FM radio announcer in both Melbourne & Toronto, until I established myself as a freelance mastering engineer in 1991 in Melbourne to this day Deluxe Mastering

These last 30 odd years have been the most tumultuous and rewarding for me, not just professionally, but personally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I have conducted many talks over the last couple of decades (mainly to music students) about my story and encouraging them to pursue their artistic / creative endeavours.

During this time, I triumphed over many huge challenges including, releasing and keeping off 70kgs of excess weight, overcoming a 30 years cocaine addiction, exited an unhappy marriage, went through a divorce that almost wiped me out financially, homelessness, working through estrangement from my children (an on going process) and the reclamation of my self-esteem.

As a result my story has fuelled my passion to speak not only to artistic / creatives, but to a broader audience of those who find themselves stuck in Life and feel they have hit the end of the line.

I have a particular penchant for middle aged men. The ones going through the so-called “mid-life crisis”.

I found myself at 47 thinking the same, being told by my then doctor I was days away from either a fatal heart attack or stroke, never to see my 50th birthday or see my 3 children grow up.

Since then I find myself in the best shape of my life, the most content I have ever been and enjoying Life even with its inevitable ups and downs that previously would have destroyed me.

Instead of thinking about your mid-life crisis, I invite you think about beginning your “mid-life overhaul”.

Today I am here to serve you, your community or organisation.
One of the great scurges on our society has been the increasing grip of drug addiction.

Whether it’s due to legal drugs such or alcohol and tobacco or illegal substances, there’s no doubt there’s somebody who has either been affected by it directly or otherwise.

I was addicted to drugs since the age of 18 and had a 30 year addiction to cocaine, but also extensively abused, ecstasy, amphetamines (including ice), cannibas and all manner of illegally acquired prescription drugs like Xanax.

It’s a miracle I’m still alive given the amount of drugs I ingested and tragically saw a few of my friends die, who were not only younger than me, but also used way less of them and for shorter periods of time.

Trying to get off drugs is one the most difficult journeys one will ever undertake and more often than not it will take a few attempts towards sobriety.

In my case it took more goes than I care to admit to, but managed to do so late in Life.

This second chance at living is what inspires me to share my story.

Addiction is a complicate issue and I learned that it was a coping mechanism for the unresolved trauma I hadn’t addressed.

I’m not a qualified counsellor or therapist, but I know the journey well and can feel empathy for those in the grips of addiction.

More importantly I can offer strategies that if implemented, can help those ready to do the work.

Whether you’re an individual looking to have take on my insights or a group wanting to hear more about my journey, as a cautionary tale, I am available to share my story.

It is often living examples that can speak to those who are currently suffering and looking towards those as proof it can be done if / when the required work and discipline is acted upon.
Men’s health (or more accurately lack of) is at epidemic proportions.

We have too many men either overweight or obese, struggling with alcohol and other illicit substances, unhappy marriages, unfulfilling careers, estranged relationships with their children and parents, not to mention very real mental health issues.

Tragically, according the most recent statistics, suicide is the most common cause of death amongst men under the age of 45 in Australia.

It can be very overwhelming to negotiate all these things especially if all of the aforementioned are happening at once.

As a speaker I believe I can offer a few strategies that can at the very least mitigate the impact on men going through whatever is they are right now.

These are complex and nuanced issues that can’t be done justice by pretending there’s a one-size-fits-all.

As a facilitator I can offer tailor made solutions depending on the individual or group requirements.
As humans we are experience different relationships in varying contexts.

Whether it’s an intimate, social or family relationship the quality of our lives is greatly influenced by the quality of them.

If you were to ask me, I have learned the most important relationship to master (that is often overlooked) is the one with yourself.

It is fundamental and the cornerstone towards ensuring that other relationships thrive.

In business this is crucial as it is a relationship economy we operate in and the currency of that economy is trust.

During my life, I’ve learned a lot about how to be a better husband, Father, colleague and friend.

Those only were able to come to the fore and strengthen after getting things right with myself first.

It saddens me to see how we have so many marriages struggle. Fathers with their Sons and Daughters estranged and even Fathers who have unresolved matters with their parents.

It’s been (and continues to be) ongoing work for me. At one stage I thought all was lost, but today (while still not perfect), my situation is a far cry from where it was.

It is my hope through sharing my journey and what worked for me, that others will find inspiration to mend their relationships.

Whether you’re an individual looking for insights that might assist, or a group open to listening to my story, in order to help you, I’m here to serve.



Shifting Gears at 60: From Self-Sabotage to Self-Actualisation | Tony “Jack The Bear” Mantz – 807

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